This meeting took place in June 22nd 2016 between 09:00 and 18:00 hours

During this event, the partners visited SERVYECO´s facilities for industrial production of water treatment products in L´Alcora (Castellón – Spain). The prototype built by SERVYECO to test the new technologies developed by the RTD partners was shown.

After that, all partners explained the progress of their work during the previous months since the last meeting and discussed about how to make the most of the most relevant achievements. This included the strategy to test the different methods for heavy metal removal in the pilot plants developed by the partners at ENDEKA´s facilities, Sao Domingos mines, and Industrial Goñabe electroplating facility.

The meeting ended with a visit to the production plant of ENDEKA, where the partners had the opportunity of seeing how the frits and lusterware are produced, and more importantly, how the waters are reused and treated in this industrial process.  

The attendees to this event were Contactica, Industrial Goñabe, LCW Consult, Serviecologia y Tratamiento de Aguas S.L., Hidrolab, Armines, Centro De Ciencias Do Mar Do Algarve, the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the Universidad de Salamanca.


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